1) A numerical study on the effects of temperature and mass transfer in high temperature PEM fuel cells with ab-PBI membrane, Applied Energy 2015 (SCI)(in Press) (2014 IF: 5.617)
2) A Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Hydrated Proton Transfer in Perfluorosulfonate Ionomer Membranes (Nafion 117), Journal of Chemistry 2015, 2015: 1-11. (SCI)
3) Determination and Generation of the Corrosion Compounds on Silver Exposed to the Atmospheres,International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2015, 10: 2336 - 2354(SCI)
4) roton Transfer Reaction in Poly (2, 5-Polybenzimidazole) Doping with H3PO4, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014,39(25):13808-13815(SCI:)(2014 IF:3.313)
5) Effect of Electrochemical Parameters on Cyclic Voltammetry of Silver, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2013, (8): 12837 – 12850. (SCI)(2014IF:1.5)
6) Corrosion, Behavior of Copper at Elevated Temperature, International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2012, (7): 7902-7914.(SCI)(2014IF:1.5)
7) proton transfer mechanism in perfluorinated sulfonic acid polytetrafluoroethylene, International Journal Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37(17): 12821-12826.(SCI:) (2014 IF:3.313)
8) Analysis of rock comprehensive test bed with double disc cutters, Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4:2747-2451. (SCI)
9) A study of dynamic characteristics of PEM fuel cells by measuring local currents, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34: 5529-5536 (SCI)(2014的IF为3.313)
10) Effects of Humidification Temperatures on Local Current Characteristics in a PEM Fuel Cell, Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 168(2):400-407(SCI)(2014的IF为6.211)
11) A Novel Technique for Measuring Current Distribution in PEM Fuel Cells, Journal of Powers Sources, 2006, 158(1): 326-332(SCI).(2014的IF为6.211)
12) PEM fuel cell performance and its two-phase mass transport, Journal of Power Sources, 2005, 143:125-135. (SCI).(2014的IF为6.211)